
take a banner!
a day without you is like a year without rain.
GIULIA | 20 anni | Verbania
express yourself - grande fratello

ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info

a thousand m i l e s

from miami to ibiza
info > welcome
721,34429/4/2014, 13:52
In: suggeriscimi la gallery!
By: Johnd419

k e e p on beliving

when all the darkness takes the light
art > icons > tags > gifs > old > more
4229923/6/2012, 13:09
In: miley cyrus.
By: milsepoo

you're my only e x e p t i o n

ignorance is your new best friend
a lot of > shop > colorazioni > aiuto
20897010/8/2011, 19:47
In: logo *o*
By: ~>QueenRitah<~

i wish y o u were there

it's true I cannot live without you
off topic > spam > friends > contest
1171,37624/10/2016, 15:30
In: it's so much better without you
By: frąh²²

1 user(s) active in the past 30 minutes
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Groups legend:
milsėpoo › to write love on his arms have 5,474 posts, 465 topics, 190 members, 13,954 total visits, 36 monthly visits
The newest member is:
Johnd419last user

Most users ever online was 63users record on 4/4/2010, 23:16